Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Year's Resolutions...

1. Finish more knitting projects.
2. Start a blog *check that off the list*
3. Find a new job (should be #1).
4. Start exercising...

I'm sure there are more resolutions I could make but I'll start with those 4.


forgetfulstitcher9 said...

YEAH!!!! I can't believe you finally started. I am going to link to you, and also subscribe to your blog. I am also going to steal your idea about posting my New Year's resolutions. You won't believe what my first one'll have to check my blog out tomorrow to read it, but it's a doozy, at least for me it is. Hehe!!!

Calling on Kahlo said...

Yeah! I am so excited you started a blog. It takes some time getting used to posting and setting the template and then it moves pretty quickly.